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FOUND: Elec. grease gun along CR 53. Call to identify. 518-483-5802


BELLMONT TOWN BOARD MONTHLY MEETING: Monday, Sept. 16, 7pm, Town Hall, Brainardsville.

FALL FESTIVAL: Sept. 29, 1-3pm, Town History Museum, 15 Water St., St. Regis Falls. 1:30-2:30 acoustic music w/local group LP Acoustic (Elizabeth Hathaway Kline & Peter Sprague). Locomotive rides. Clown w/balloon animals. Cupcakes w/free drinks. Museum will be open.

STAR OF THE NORTH MARATHON: USA Track and Field Certified Boston Qualifier. Half, 10k, 5, Team 5k/10k & kids’ run, Malone Civic Center (Kelly Pavilion). Sept. 14. Cash prizes. Registrants get free t-shirt & swag bag, while supplies last. Packet pickup 7-8:45am, all races begin at 9am. Race day registration avail. 7-8:30am, fees subject to change. Food trucks, Live DJ, Photo Booth, Cartoon Character Appearances, Face-Painting, Inflatable Slide, Smoothie Bike & more. Visit our website & Facebook Course map/elevation index can be found on our Star of the North Marathon Facebook page.

MARY’S PLACE THRIFT STORE, ST MARY’S PARISH CENTER, FORT COVINGTON: Fall & Winter clothing and decor available. Thursday & Friday 11-4, Saturday 10-3.

FREE EVENT: Sept. 21 all day. A day full of art, music, vendors, wagon rides, hard cider, apple dessert bake-off. Check out our website for more details. Prairie’s Orchard and Foothills Art Society host this family fun event.

FAMILY FUN/HERITAGE DAY: Saturday September 14th 11-2. Cooks Corners Wesleyan Church, Avery Road, Brushton NY. Waterslide/Bouncy house, Games Food. Free to all. Rain or shine.

FT. COVINGTON AM. LEGION DANCE: Post 1418. Sat., Sept. 28, 7-1 pm, music by Sation 45 Band, no cover. 518-483-3772

ST. REGIS FALLS TRINITY UM CHURCH CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER: Sept. 14, 4pm until all served. Donations appreciated, but not expected.

ST. GEORGE COUNTRY PATCH THRIFT STORE: 797 Depot Street Burke NY. Open Tues to Fri from 10-2. First Saturday of each month 10-1.

HILL CREST CEMETERY: Annual fall meeting Sept. 17, 4pm, at the home of Bill & Shirley Scharf, 226 CR 52, N. Lawrence. Owners & public welcome.

HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: Benefit Owls Head UMC, at OHMV Comm. Center, 1977 CR 27, Owls Head. Oct. 5, 12-4. Games & Activities, Walkthrough Funhouse, Kids Bounce House, Food Truck, Bake Sale, DJ.

OUTPOURING OF GLORY: Amazing Women’s Meeting, Sept. 14, 10am, Living Water Life Station, 98 Rt. 95, Moira. Guest speaker & author of “Beautiful Savior”, Pastor Belle Burgoyne. Personal ministry & lunch following, please bring a dish to share.

REVIVAL NOW: Sept. 14, 6:30pm & Sept. 15, 10am & 6:30pm, Living Water Life Station, 98 Rt. 95, Moira. Evangelist Steve Buza bringing a Now Word on “Unleashing Gods supernatural power in signs, wonders/ and miracles!”. Come expecting to receive. Free.

SONS of AMERICAN LEGION: Squadron 219 holds its meetings at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at American Legion Post 219, 53 Morton Street in Malone. All members are invited to participate in the October 8, November 12, and December 10 meetings.

75TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FOR THE NICHOLVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Sept. 21, 11-3. FREE hot dogs, burgers, & chips. Bounce house, cotton candy, & popcorn. Fire trucks available to tour.

STEAK & CHEESE SUB: Grub & Growl Friday, October 11, at American Legion Post 219 in Malone. Includes a steak & cheese sub, fries, and dessert for $12, dine-In or take-out, from 4 to 7 p.m. Members and guests welcome.

LEICC MEETING: Franklin County Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council. Tues., Sept. 17, 1-2pm, Malone County Courthouse, 355 W. Main St., 2nd floor conference room. Open to all. 518-481-1710

OGDENSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY: Sept. 14, 11:30am, free story time for children, parents must attend. Presentation w/Eileen Visser & her NW Passage adventure, Wed., Oct. 9, 6pm, library auditorium.

ANTIQUE SHOW: Oct. 5, Market Sq. Mall, Depot St., Potsdam. 10-4 Info 518-529-8911

AMVETS: Fri., Sept. 13, “Fusion.” 7-10, pizza & wings, public welcome.

APPLE FEST: Sept. 25, 1pm, St Regis Falls Adult Center. Bingo games, prizes, raffle, harvest desserts. 518-856-9861

BURKE ADULT CENTER: Tupperware Bingo, Sept. 19, 9:30-11:30, $20/10 games. Painting class 9/23. Flower arranging 9/24. Stained Glass Art 10/1. Call 518-483-1089 to reserve.

CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER: Malone Council K of C, 41 Elm St. on Wednesday, September 18, beginning at 4pm., $12, take-out, drive-thru, or eat in. Proceeds benefit the Women’s Healing Retreat in October.

FALL CRAFT FAIR: Westville Fire Department Aux, September 28, Westville Fire Dept, 10am-3pm. Chinese auction, bake sale, lottery ticket raffle concession stand. Vendors welcome. For more info Donna Tatro, 518-358-2065.

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT HARVEST DINNER: Sept. 29, 11am-4pm. St. Edmund’s Parish Center, Rt. 11, Ellenburg. Roast beef & ham, all trimmings, homemade desserts, beverages, take outs avail. 518-536-2442. $15/adults, kids 6-12 $7, 5 & under free, handicap access., bake sale, big ticket raffle, lottery tree. Info 518-578-6184.

HERE & NOW WOMEN’S CONFERENCE: October 11-12th at Brushton Moira auditorium. “Equipped” will focus on 2Timothy 3:16-17. Register at

FAMILY/HERITAGE FUN DAY: Cooks corner Wesleyan Church, Avery Rd. Brushton. Sept. 14 11-2. Free food, games, waterside/bouncy house. Rain or shine. Free event.

MODEL TRAIN DAY: Owls Head Mountain View Community Center. Saturday September 21. Doors open 9:30 am. Young and not so young lovers of model trains are invited to Patsy’s Place for a day of building and operating an HO Gauge model train layout. 1977 County Route 27 Owls Head. Refreshments available for donation. For questions/details email

RIVER VALLEY ANTIQUE TRACTOR & ENGINE CLUB 2024 PULL SCHEDULE: September 14 Ingle Farms Cold Springs Rd. Bombay; September 29 Club Pull Club Track, 1292 NY 122 Constable. *Does have a small gate charge. All pulls start at 10AM unless otherwise stated in distributed posters throughout the season. No admission fees for spectators unless noted. Hook fees are $15 w/ membership.

43rd ANNUAL YANKEE BEEF ROAST DINNER: St. Patrick Church in Chateaugay, Sunday, October 6th in the parish hall from 11am-5pm, $15/meal. Includes Roast beef, potatoes, carrots, coleslaw, roll & apple or pumpkin pie. Dine-in and take out. Questions or to make reservations call Monique Dwyer. 518-651-0144.

VENDORS WANTED: SRF Adult Center Craft Fair, Oct. 12. Tables/$20 ea., max 2. 518-856-9861 to register.

VENDORS & CRAFTERS WANTED: Amvets Ladies’ Aux #8, for the holiday craft show at Amvets, Nov. 2, 9am-3pm. $10/table, set up at 7pm (they may have meant 7am?). 518-358-9839 or 315-514-4214 or via Facebook.

FALL BAZAAR: Saturday, Sept. 14 9am-2pm, St. Patrick’s Parish Center, Chateaugay. Handmade items for sale, Bake Sale, Fish pond, Games.

HARVEST SUPPER: Thursday Sept. 26, 4-6pm, Frontier Chapter #203, 263 County Route 34 Burke . Take Out only. $15/adults $7 ages 6-10, 5 & under free. Roast turkey w/all the trimmings & choice of apple or pumpkin pie. To order, call 518-806-1973

MASSENA SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE: Customer appreciation day, Sept 14th 9-5pm, all clothing $0.99. Free hot dog per person 11-2pm. 210 N. Main St., Massena.

SALVATION ARMY ANNUAL FOOD PANTRY VENDOR BAZAAR: Oct. 19, 10am-3pm, $1/donation entry per person. Vendors needed. 315-769-5154

FEH BOCES RETIREE LUNCHEON: Friday, Sept. 20, 1pm, Malone Golf Club. Open to all retirees, faculty, administration, staff, & their respective spouses and/or guests. Attendees will order from the menu and pay individually.

CHATEAUGAY FOOD PANTRY: Sept 25, 5-6pm. For Chateaugay & Burke residents. Boxes are heavy, so bring help.

WESTVILLE HISTORICAL ORG. MEETING: Saturday, Sept. 21, potluck lunch; 12 noon, Westville History Center; members are asked to bring a dish to share; beverages, plates, cutlery, napkins provided. The last meeting this year. Info 518-562-3948.

HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: Benefit Owls Head UMC, at the OHMV Community Center. Oct. 5, 12-4. Games, activities, walkthrough fun house, kids’ bounce house. Twisted Sister food truck, bake sale, R&M DJ Service.

CRAFT & VENDOR FAIR: Benefit Brasher/Stockhozlm Rec. Dept. Tri Town Arena, Brasher Falls. Sat., Sept. 21, 10-3. $15/space or $25/2 spaces. Must bring own table, plus a silent auction item. 315-250-1803

NOTICE: St Bernard’s Lyon Mt. seeking bids for snow removal for Church Parking lot and sidewalks., for Mass days, Funerals, and Holidays, use of sand or salt. Specify whether bid is per event or for winter season, end of Oct. to end of April. Please submit Bid to St. Bernard’s Church Snow Removal Bid, 5526 State Rt. 11, Ellenburg Center, N.Y. 12934. Include contact info, pricing, previous clients. For inquiries: (518) 594-3907 or email:

WOLF POND ROAD CLOSURE PLANNED: Wolf Pond Road in the Town of Bellmont, between Mountain View and the Clinton County line in Standish, will be closed to all traffic beginning Monday, August 19, 2024, to complete work related to major storm damage more than one year ago. The road closure is expected to last until September 25. According to Lee Davis, Town of Bellmont Highway Superintendent, contractors will be installing a new aluminum box culvert to replace ones washed out in July 2023. In addition, related stabilization work will be conducted. Road signs are being posted at each end of the dirt road to remind travelers that the road is closed to all forms of traffic. The closure on the Mountain View end starts at 463 Wolf Pond Road, the entrance to the Mount Tom Club. For more information, contact Superintendent Lee J. Davis by phone at: 518-651-0114, or by e-mail at

VENDORS WANTED: Crafters, direct sale vendors and artisans for our 10th Annual David Sauther Memorial Winter Wonderland Show to benefit The Emmaus Soup Kitchen of Malone on December 14th at Davis Elementary School in Malone. Contact or Aimee Marshall at 518-521-7276. Help us make this year bigger and better than ever with over 100 participants.

23rd ANNUAL FALL GUN SHOW: Parishville Sportsmen’s Club, Parishville Amvets Hall, 25 Rutman Rd., Parishville, Sept. 14, 9am-4pm & Sept. 15, 9am-3pm. Admission is $3 per person, under 12 are free. Refreshments will be sold. Breakfast served 8am-11am. Anyone under 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult. More info, Bob Phillips 315-265-2922.

BOOK LOVER’S CELEBRATION: Saturday, October 12th from 12 to 2:30 pm in the Library Auditorium, Ogdensburg Public Library. $10 admission w/guest speaker, lunch & beverages, fun activities, & more. Space is limited so RSVP’s are encouraged by Monday, October 7th - contact Ann Lesperance at 315-393-1569 or at

FOOD PANTRIES: Town of Bellmont residents Thursdays: Sept 12 in Owl’s Head & Bellmont Center. For info about pick-up times and how to qualify call 518-483-9313

CONSTABLE FOOD PANTRY: 2024 dates; Oct. 4, Nov. 8, Dec. 6. Bring your own box.

VENDORS WANTED: St Augustine/St Mary Altar Rosary Society’s 3rd Annual Holiday Fair, Sat. Nov. 2 from 9am-3pm. St. Mary Parish Center, 769 CR 7 (Gale Rd) Brushton (across from BMC Bus Garage). Tables $15 ea. inside and $10 ea. outside. Help will be available to help carry your items in & out for set up. To register Contact - Mary 518-317-0436

FRANKLIN COUNTY PERSONNEL: Civil Service Exams - Fee for each exam is $10 unless otherwise noted. Exam Date of: November 2024– Last Date to file for exam: 10/04/24: Correction Officer #60-000480 ($20.00 filing fee). Exam date 11/9/24, last date to file 9/26/24: Tourism Recreation Coordinator #88-758010; Homefinder #65-663010; Senior Employment and Training Representative #78-780010; Senior Employment and Training Representative #60-025010. Exam date 10/26/24, last date to file 9/16/24: Motor Vehicle Cashier/Examiner #86-588010, Index Records Clerk #89-602010. Civil Service Continuous Recruitment Exams Now with availability of Anticipated Eligibility for education requirements: Early Intervention Service Coordinator #86-587, Secretary to Conflict Defender #68-439, Legal Secretary #85-004, Children’s Services Supervisor #60-676, Case Manger (Legal) #68-539, Behavioral Health Specialist #66-022, Warden #73-653 ($20.00 Filing Fee), Correction Officer Lieutenant #73-679 ($20.00 Filing Fee). Exams may require the following documents with the completed application and filing fee, such as: *Copy of NYS Driver’s License, if applicable and/or **Copy of College Transcript (unofficial accepted), if applicable. You may also get an application and view the exam announcements on our website at You may also like us on Facebook to keep updated on exams, postings and job opportunities at: Applications must be postmarked or received by the Personnel Office by the last date to file. For more information and application on exam, contact the Franklin County Personnel Office, 355 West Main Street, Suite 311, 3rd Floor Courthouse, Malone, New York 12953. PHONE: 518-481-1677 or 1665.

HELP WANTED: Volunteer drivers are needed to help the Town of Bellmont Food Pantry once a month on a year-round basis. Drivers with a pick-up truck and trailer will be reimbursed for their time and fuel. For details, contact the Bellmont Food Pantry coordinator at 483-9313.

ALPHA: is a community-based gathering that meets once a week for 10 weeks where you have a chance to ask these questions in a judgment-free environment. Join us Tuesday evenings starting September 10 at 6pm at St Mary’s Social Hall in Massena. This is a wonderful opportunity to gather with friends and share a free meal and good conversation. For more information and to register call 315-769-2469 or just show up to register.

NOTICE: The Town of Constable is accepting applications from qualified applicants, for Town Code Officer. This position is a part time position that starts Jan. l, 2025 & is by contract for the calendar year. Mail applications stating qualifications, to the Constable Town Supervisor, P.O. Box 39, Constable, NY 12926.

BID NOTICE: St. Mary’s of the Fort Church in Fort Covington, NY, is taking bids for repair to the church steeple roof until August 31, 2024. Interested parties can contact the parish office email at or phone 518-358-2500. Interest parties are required to provide necessary insurance.

ST. GEORGE’S THRIFT STORE: Burke, looking for gd. used bicycles and toys.

TOWN OF CONSTABLE: has a metal dumpster at the Highway Garage for any residents of the Town of Constable who would like to discard any metal that they would like to clean up. No refrigerators or air conditioners.

TOWN OF WAVERLY: Town Board has changed their Town Board Meeting from the 3rd Monday of every month to the 4th Monday of every month at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

BRUSHTON MOIRA FOOD PANTRY: At. St. Mary’s Church in Brushton is open 2nd & 4th Monday of every month, 1-4pm. Please bring an empty box and someone to carry if needed.

WANTED: Information on Westville natives/residents who are Purple Heart Recipients. Will need proof of award. 518-562-3948 for further info.

BURKE ADULT CENTER: Coffee Hour every Tuesday from 9-11am. Card games every Wednesday, starting at 9am. 518-483-1089

LOW COST SPAY/NEUTER PROGRAM: Franklin County residents only. Focus on Ferals, email

LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Make a difference in a seniors life. Join the Community Friendship Volunteer Program. Call Susan Schrader 518-651-2535 or

TOWN OF CLINTON: Wants photos of uniformed vets of all wars who reside in Clinton or who grew up in or are from Clinton. The town is creating a banner to honor its veterans. If you have a photo contact the Town of Clinton historian, Rebecca LeClair at 518-497-6133 or

EMMAUS SOUP KITCHEN: Of Malone is now open every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month, 11:30-12:3pm at New Beginnings Church, 227 West Main St., behind the Malone Inn Formerly the site of Gallagher’s Restaurant.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 308: 41 Elm St., Malone is looking for podium for large Bible. 518-483-1643

FRANKLIN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY: will help low income families (of northern Franklin County NY) spay/neuter their pets(dogs/cats). For application write to FCHS, P.O. BOX 226, Malone, NY 12953. Must include proof of income: ie Medicaid, HEAP, SNAP, SSI, low cost housing. Please include self addressed envelope and phone number.

FRIENDS OF THE OGDENSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY: Book Store at 312 Washington St., Ogdensburg. Wednesday, 4-6pm & Thursday-Friday, 2-4pm. Library Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9:30am-5pm, Wed 11:30am-7pm. Bookstore hours; Wed 4-6pm, Thurs & Fri 2-4pm.

DEPT OF SOCIAL SERVICES: New Applications accepted. Eligibility for the Child Care Subsidy Program through the FCDSS has expanded as of August 1st. If your income falls between these family size & income standards. 1-$40,770. 2-$54,930, 3-$69,090, 4-$83,250, 5-$97,410, 6-111,570, 7-$125,730, 8-$139,890. Additionally, to be eligible you must be employed, be enrolled in a public or private educational facility; or be enrolled in an education program that prepares you to obtain a NYS High School equivalency diploma; or be taking part in a literacy training, or a college student. Contact your local DSS at 518-481-1837.

TOWN OF CLINTON: Wants photos of uniformed vets of all wars who reside in Clinton or who grew up in or are from Clinton. The town is creating a banner to honor its veterans. If you have a photo contact the Town of Clinton historian, Rebecca LeClair at 518-497-6133 or

BOOK CASES WANTED: For donation to the Bombay Free Library. Linda 315-705-5529

TOWN OF BELLMONT LICENSES & PERMITS: For hunting, fishing, and dog licenses, birth and death certificates, handicap permits, and marriage licenses, contact the Bellmont Town Clerk. For appointments, call 518-569-8312 or e-mail to

SRF AMERICAN LEGION AUX: Post 322 is seeking help. We are compiling a list of members from 1948-present. If your mother, aunt was a member during time period please email with names.

THE DAV VAN IN MALONE: Needs volunteer Drivers to drive veterans to the Saranac Lake VA Clinic or Albany VA Hospital. Driving once every month or two. Call Gary at 518-572-9069

LOCAL ADULT CENTERS: Need volunteer drivers for our Home Delivered Meal Program. Approximately 450 nutritious meals are delivered to older adults who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. Meals are delivered at lunch time by volunteers. Meals on Wheels delivers more than just a meal. Daily visits provide a warm smile & a safety check that helps keep seniors healthy, safe and living independently in their own homes each year. Precautionary equipment provided. Will work with your schedule.

OPEN MIC NIGHT: Every 4th Friday of the month, 43 Pearl St., Malone, 6:30-9pm, performers sign up at 6:15pm. Songs, poetry, short stories, stand up comedy etc. All ages welcome. Family friendly. Bring a friend. Suggested donation $5. Jill Jessen host. 518-319-4260

WE HAVE MANY CATS: Visit to see cats. 315-212-5984 for an appointment.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS MEETING: The help you need is here - let us help you take your first steps to recovery. 518NA meets every Thursday night at 7pm at New Beginnings Church located at 227 W Main St, Malone, entrance is in back.

MOIRA NEW HOPE FOOD PANTRY: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of month, 3-6pm, 98 Rt. 95, Living Water Life Church, Old Rutland Station.

ST. GEORGE’S COUNTRY PATCH: Thrift Store in Burke is open Tues-Fri. 10-3pm. Sat. 10-1pm. No donations.

CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: For Caregivers & care partners of individuals with dementia takes place the 2nd Thursday of each month at 155 Finney Blvd, Suite 2, Malone. Free to attend. A memory cafe for individuals and their care partners takes place from 1-3pm. Care partners are invited to attend the support group from 2-3pm. You do not need to be a full time care partner to attend. Contact Brooke at or 518-915-3115 for info/register.

FOCUS ON FERALS: Cats & kittens for adoption. and fill out our online adoption application if interested Cats adoption fee is $85 includes all shots, spay/neuter, microchip.

Vendors needed: Mountain View Association Annual Community Event on July 21st, 1-6 at Sugarloaf Cabins. Call Tina at 330-280-1821 for more info and to reserve a spot.

TOWN OF CLINTON: Tammy Bell Martin selling hunting and fishing licenses. Her hours are Monday & Wednesdays 6pm-8pm, Saturdays 9-12noon. 518-319-1242 or

FORT COVINGTON EMS: needs Volunteers for EMT, Attendant, and Driver. No experience required. Must posses a valid drivers license. Send us a message on facebook, or email us at for info.

WALKING CLUB: All ages, all \levels, Saturdays, 1pm, Davis Elem. Park.

BELLMONT TOWN COURT: Held 2nd & 4th Monday of each month at the Bellmont Town Hall starting at 7pm. Town Judge Glenda King 518-425-3461 or 518-651-0235

NUTRITION OUTREACH AND EDUCATION PROGRAM: We can check your eligibility for SNAP, & help you complete and submit your application. It’s free and confidential. MILC serving residents in Franklin Co. 518-483-2151 ext 209.

NORTH COUNTRY ANIMAL SHELTER: Will take in your litter of pups for free if you allow us to spay their mother. 518-483-5050

HELP WANTED: The Town Board of the Town of Waverly is seeking an individual to fill a position on the Board of Assessment Review. If you interested, please call the town office at 518-856-9482 and press option 0

PUBLIC NOTICE: The Town of Malone Justices policy: Payment of Fines & submitting of actions at the Town of Malone Justice Court, 27 Airport Road, will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday between the hours of 9-3pm only. Fines associated with Court dockets on Tuesday and Thursday will be handled in the Courtroom as the window will be closed on these days. Any questions should be directed only to the Justice Court at 518-481-6634 as no other department has the authority, knowledge or information to assist in any way with Court matters.

BMC: Is still accepting applications for our PK Program for Fall 2024. If you have a student who will be turning 4 on or before December 1, 2024, please reach out to Karen Armstrong to begin the registration process at 518-529-7342 ext. 7100.

AL-ANON: For friends and family of alcoholics. Thursdays at 12pm at Malone Centenary United Church, Rt. 11, Malone near the Courthouse building. Come in back door off parking lot. 315-573-1648 for details

HUD GRANT: Town of Westville, more applicants needed. Friends of the North Country, 518-293-5045 x135.

SRF ADULT CENTER: Is looking for volunteers to help deliver Meals on Wheels. 1 to 2 hours per week w/possible mileage reimbursement. For info call Barbie at 518-856-9861

JOIN SENIOR PLANET: North Country’s virtual programs Monday-Friday. All programs are hosted via Zoom and there are multitude of topics that will peak your interest! Our website is: Don’t have Zoom on your device? Call our hotline at 518-612-4153 and our staff will assist you in downloading and getting set up on Zoom! Look forward to having you join our programs.

FRANKLIN COUNTY MEALS PROGRAM: Suggested donation is $2 per meal for people over 60. No senior will be denied service due to an inability or unwillingness to contribute. The charge is $6.75 per meal for people under 60. Be aware of your right to voluntarily contribute if your income is at or above the 185% Federal Poverty Level. Reservations requested in advance, but no later than 9am the day of attendance. Services provided in whole or by part, by US Department of Health & Human Services, Administration on Aging, New York State Office for the Aging, and Franklin County. Nutritional analysis is available upon request.

ST. REGIS FALLS AMBULANCE: Looking for Volunteers. Serving greater Town of Waverly including Dickinson, parts of Santa Clara & parts of the Town of Duane. We are an ALS Service doing emergency treatment & transports to Alice Hyde Medical Center, Adirondack Medical Center, Canton/Potsdam Medical Center and Massena Medical Center. We work with the SRF Vol. Fire Dept and District on Fire Calls, MVA, and searches. Looking for persons willing to donate their time and efforts to our community at large. Call any member of the SRFA, Inc., & to get an application, or 518-856-9314

ST. GEORGE’S COUNTRY PATCH STORE: In Burke is looking for baby items, strollers, walkers, pack n’ plays, some household items, small furniture, bookshelves.

BMC: Is still accepting applications for Kindergarten for the Fall of 2024. If you have a student who will be turning 5 on or before December 1, 2024, please reach out to Karen Armstrong to begin the registration process at 518-529-7342 ext. 7100.

AMERICAN LEGION IN CHATEAUGAY: Is looking for a kitchen caterer. Must be available for short notice events, such as funerals and memorials. Please call 518-497-6419 or send an email to, to request more information.

BURKE ADULT CENTER: Congregate meals will be available Monday through Friday starting at noon. Please call for reservations the day prior at 518-483-1089, if you would like to attend meal. Suggested donation of $2 per meal for persons over 60. No senior will be denied services due to an inability or unwillingness to contribute. The charge is $6.75 per meal for persons under 60 years old.

NOTICE: Bombay Food Pantry every 2nd Saturday/month, 9am-5pm.

WIPE OUT CERVICAL CANCER: We have the power to wipe out cervical cancer. Yet, a recent U.S. study shows that more cervical cancers are being diagnosed at a later stage, when the cancer may have already spread, and less at an early stage, when treatment works best. The biggest increase was seen among Black women. New York State data also show that Black women are more likely than white women to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and also to die from the disease. We have the tools to find cervical cancer early or completely prevent it. The first tool is regular cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer screening tests can find the cells that lead to cancer before it starts. These cells can then be removed. This prevents cancer! Screening also helps to find cervical cancer early when it may be easier to treat. The second tool is the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes nearly all cases of cervical cancer and several other cancers. The HPV vaccine prevents about 90% of HPV-related cancers. The HPV vaccine is recommended for children starting at age 9 and young adults through age 26. If you have a cervix, start screening at age 21 and get screened every three years until age 65. Talk to your doctor after age 65 to see if you should still be screened. While the HPV vaccine is very effective in preventing cervical cancer, you should still be screened regularly. If you don’t have insurance, the Cancer Services Program (CSP) of Northeastern NY provides free cervical cancer screening to those aged 40 and older who qualify. Most health insurers cover screening at no cost for those with insurance. Make a resolution to call your health care provider or call us at 518-324-7671 to see if you qualify for a free cervical cancer screening.

MEMBERSHIPS FOR MOUNT TOM CLUB: In Mountain View for 2024 are now available. The Mount Tom Club, along Wolf Pond Road, is a family-oriented social and recreational club with activities for all age groups. Annual events include a clambake, pig roast, pot-luck dinner, trap shoot / corn-hole tournament and venison feast. Members also have access to 1,600 acres for hunting. Membership fee for individuals and families is just $150. For an application, send a request to Mount Tom Club, Att: Memberships, PO Box 173, Mountain View NY 12969.

MILC NAVIGATORS: are available to provide health insurance enrollment assistance & answer insurance questions. Navigators provide free, confidential & unbiased enrollment assistance for Medicaid, Child Health Plus, Essential Plans & Qualified Health Plans at various locations throughout Franklin County. Services also avail. by phone. Contact MILC 518-483-2151 to schedule appt.

TOWN OF BOMBAY: Town Clerk, Supervisor, and Code Officer will hold walk in office hours at the Town Hall on Lantry Road on Thursdays from 9-11 am. 518-358-0111. Appointments available. Court & fine payments will still take place on Tuesdays from 3-6 pm. 518-358-9968 Assessor available by Appointment: 315-244-1407

HARM REDUCTION VENDING MACHINES: For opioid overdoses, (Narcan). Free to access. Citizen Adv. – Malone Behavioral Health Urgent Care: 125 Finney Blvd., Malone NY, 12953; Ogdensburg Wellness Center 109 Ford St., Ogdensburg NY, 13669

OWLS HEAD/MT. VIEW COMM. CENTER BINGO: Every Wed., doors open 5pm, games at 6:30pm. Early bird, progressive. Bingo gear & refreshments avail. for donation. 1977 CR 27, Owls Head. 315-705-1854

FOCUS ON FERALS CAT RESCUE: is looking for Foster Homes in the area. Email: for more information.


FOR SALE: New tire & rim for Jeep, sz. 16, 5 bolt, $250. Call/text 518-353-8136

FOR SALE: Used 34 Commercial L/T Thunderer LT 275/70R18 tires. . $160. 518-483-3357

FOR SALE: 1986 Eddie Bauer front bumper, vgc. $350 neg. 518-565-7949

FOR SALE: 1970 Chevy C50 truck w/dump bed, ex. running cond. 518-493-2722

FOR SALE: Auto Parts: Storage hump center console. Bin nets. Wheel nut wrench. Manual tire pump. Gas tank locked cover, 2 keys. 315-386-3579

FOR SALE: 1998 Corvette C5 convertible, garage kept, runs perfect, many new parts $17,500. 917-882-0537

FOR SALE: 2018 Jeep Wrangler Sahara JL, 48k mi. Factory Alpine stereo system. 20x10 fuel rims w/ 33x12.50R20 tires. Tow package. Runs & drives great! $29,000. Call/text 315-705-7739

FOR SALE: Pr. of snow tires, new, 225/60R17, $100/pr. 518-683-5980

FOR SALE: 17” steel rims fits Chevy/GMC pickup. 42” lawn mower deck for Craftsman. 518-358-4368

FOR SALE: 2011 Nissan Altima, great body, needs some mechanical, BOSE surround, auto/slap shift, moonroof, all power, $3000 obo. 518-483-7484

FOR SALE: (2) Yokohama P225/50R18, $50 pr. (4) Winterforce 215/50R17, like new, $400. 518-481-4040

FOR SALE: GMC wheels off a Canyon, 17”, $350, like new. 315-296-5546

FOR SALE: (4) 235/50R19, Toyo Observe GSI 6LS, removed off Equinox, only used 1/2 winter, like new. $275. 518-483-0617

FOR SALE: 1987 Ford LT9000 tandem dump truck, new motor, 8LL trans, lockers, no rust, gd. tires & brakes, low miles, power tarp system, inspect-able, new box in 2004. $10,000. 518-891-6980

FOR SALE: 2015 Honda Pilot, 4WD, ex. cond., $9200. 2 boxes of 35 Remington ammo, $50/box. 518-497-6090 lv. msg.

FOR SALE: 2004 Ford 350 1 ton dump truck, 4WD, Fisher V plow, runs & dumps gd., $5700 obo. 518-358-6773

FOR SALE: (4) Bridgestone Duallers, mounted on Jeep Wrangler rims w/speed sensor, 245/75/17. $500. 518-534-6512

FOR SALE: 2007 Ford 4dr car, loaded, AC, PS, PB, AT, sunroof, rusty, runs great, $3500 obo. Rogers Bros. silverware, 57pc. set for 8, mahogany chest, never used, $125 obo. 518-651-1871

FOR SALE: 2011 Ford Fusion, 4cyl, 97k mi., needs rack & pinion, a battery, has (4) like new tires, $1000 firm. 518-483-4342

FOR RENT: 1BR upstairs apt. w/storage area, Constable. Neg. options. 518-806-1925 lv. msg.

WANTED: Apt. in Malone. Single person, no pets. 518-353-2296

FOR LEASE: 105 acres for hunting. FOR SALE: Car dolly Towmaster, new elec. stove in box Kenmore elite. 518-521-5874

FOR RENT: 2BR, 1 bath. Lawn care, snow & trash removal. Brushton, Wagner Rd. Pets ok. 315-261-8253

FOR RENT: 1BR apt./sm. business, avail. 1st week of Sept. Pearl St., $800/mo. +SD, ref. 1 yr. lease, no pets/smoking. 518-319-4260 or

FOR RENT: Apt. no pets. 518-481-5059

FOR RENT: 2BR, HUD, no pets, +SD. 518-521-5219

FOR SALE: Sm. hobby farm, 3BR, 2 car garage. 518-521-5832

FOR RENT: Furnished 1BR apt., all util. inc., 2nd floor, no smokers/pets, $650/mo. +SD. 518-483-3864

ROOMMATE WANTED: Gay male ages 30-69, free rm., board, & laundry. 518-319-4292

FOR RENT: Barn w/horse stalls & paddock. 518-483-0150

FOR SALE: 36 acre wood lot w/hunting camp, 20x30 w/metal roof. 518-521-0786


FOR SALE: Remington mod. 760 BDL 30 06 pump action, Nikon Pro Staff 50mm 3x9 scope, vgc., 3 clips, $1000 firm. Background check only . 518-483-9047

FOR SALE: Deck Correct deck paint. New 5 gal. pail, $75 obo. 239-248-8546

FOR SALE: 20’ Bently 2005 pontoon boat, 50hp Mercury outboard, in water, Chateaugay Lake. $12,500. Tandem axle trailer, like new, $1500. Best offer. 518-572-3151

FOR SALE: 2016 KZ-Sportsmen Model C14RB trailer camper. $7,000.00/100 obo. 518-483-1853 lv. msg.

FOR SALE: Yamata hemming machine-$200. Stereo system $60. 518-521-7640

FOR SALE: 1981 Ford Tractor 1700 Series. 4x4, everything works. New power steering pump, alternator, Voltage regulator & water pump. Serviced yearly. $6500 obo. Call or text. 518-441-0349

FOR SALE: Muzzleloader, Pedersoli cap lock, 54 cal.; Jet 10 “ table saw. 2020 Winnebago Minnie, RL, 25’ travel trailer. Rhino 28g, 4 wheel RV tote tank. 518-483-5156

FOR SALE: 2016 Polaris Ranger 570 efi $6500 firm, text 315-322-8666

FOR SALE: Double BBQ grill, gas & charcoal, $50. White interior door w/hardware, 36”, no frame, $40. Malone. 518-481-5234

FOR SALE: Lg. riding Craftsman PYT 9000, B&S 24hp twin, 42” front snow blower & 48” mower deck, vgc., $1795 neg. 518-565-7949

FOR SALE: 2017 Husqvarna rider mower w/snowblower. Not working but repairable. $250. 518-521-8924

FOR SALE: 2 lawn tractors, 1 hand mower, 1 weed wacker. 518-569-1142

FOR SALE: Sig Sauer Buckmaster 3x9x40 rifle scope w/BDC reticle, $80. 518-594-5053

FOR SALE: 2018 Keystone Cougar 40 foot fifth wheel camper w/4 slides and front living room. $35,000 obo. 518-232-6792

FOR SALE: 800gal Sunset bulk tank open top w/covers $1400. 315-323-1199

FOR SALE: Porter Cable Sawzall and Ryobi skill saw $80. Propane countertop stove $150. 518-358-9269

FOR SALE: 32x14’ ADK pavilion, metal roof, insulated, dry walled, carpeted, wood stove, $5500. 518-353-8537

FOR SALE: 2 bathroom vanity tops, 18x24”, 21x25”. 518-483-8758

WANTED: Ironing board in gd. cond. 518-534-4977

FOR SALE: New Levi jeans, 32x30 $10. New Levi jeans, 33x30 $20. Graco highchair, $20. Pack & play $30. Both vgc. 518-483-1395

HELP WANTED: Someone to work 4 hrs./every other week, light housework. $15/hr. 518-529-0156

FOR SALE: 52” Panasonic TV, ex. cond., $125 obo. 26” Sylvania TV, $50 obo. 518-497-3080

FOR SALE: Mathews Halon compound bow in new condition 60lb/30.5 draw length with all accessories. $700. New Paragon aluminum folding tonneau cover. Fits 2011-2016 8 foot bed. Paid $1200 sell for $700 obo. 518-492-7729

FOR SALE: Corded power tools, all working cond. Manure spreader turned into wagon. 518-319-5610

FOR SALE: Muller 600 gal. flat top milk tank w/working 3hp compressor. $2000. 518-645-0437

FOR SALE: Pr. of soccer cleats, kids’ sz. 4, Adidas. 518-529-8911

FOR SALE: $100 Apple card, sell for $50. 3 mountain bikes, 1 reg. girls’ 10 spd. $25 ea., all ex. cond. 518-319-7361

WANTED: Enclosed cages. 518-651-0736

FOR SALE: Hollow birch int. door, w/frame & knob, gd. cond. 315-389-4541

FOR SALE: 3 rabbits, 2 females, 1 buck. 518-483-2599

FOR SALE: 2 adult rabbits, $10 ea. obo. 518-358-9910

FOR SALE: 20” MTD push mower, blades sharp, serviced, full of gas, $75. 518-483-6224

FOR SALE: JD 328 hay baler,, square, shedded. NH 492 haybine, gd. rubber, $10,000 ea. 518-891-4749

FOR SALE: 2016 Case IH MX110 Farmall tractor w/cabin air, 100hp, 4WD, 1126 hrs., new cond., $32,500. 518-333-4044

FOR SALE: Toddler car seat, decent shape, $20. 518-353-0477

WANTED: Backhoe w/front bucket, 20yrs. or older, in reasonably gd. cond. GMC/Chevy 1 ton dump truck, same cond. 518-483-0618

FOR SALE: 3 male Litter trained kittens. 4 months old. Playful & lovable. 518-353-0555

HELP WANTED: Full time laborers to stack stones, build pallets, Ellenburg & vicinity. Full & part time clean out help. 518-425-6801

WANTED: Chainsaw chaps, sm. or med., lightly used, no tears. Text 518-541-9943 with pics, price, and pickup location.

FOR SALE: 4 yr. old gelding, $6000. 518-704-5201

FOR SALE: 2 bear rugs $400 ea. 518-353-9167

FOR SALE: 2015 Harley Davidson Street Glide, $17,000. 3 in 1 Expert Grill w/gas, charcoal, griddle, $200. 315-769-0176

FOR SALE: Used Pride Mobility electric scooters. Maxima SC941 scooter $1500, Maxima SC940 scooter $1000, Jazzy Select HD power chair $800. 518-521-8150

FOR SALE: 6 mo. old puppy, Terrier/Chihuahua mix, house trained, 1st vet, has cage, toys, food, harness. Loves people. $200. 518-521-9152

WANTED: Honda Big Red 250 EF 3 wheeler, 85-87, running or not. 518-420-4115

FOR SALE: Peavey Powerslide electric slide guitar, with case and accessories, exc. cond. barely used, $300. 518-856-9767

WANTED: Free standing safe & TV rotor. 518-521-5602

FOR SALE: 12 ton excavator, $15,000. 518-317-0839

FOR SALE: Vermont Castings cast iron woodstove, needs rebuild,,$200 obo. 518-651-9949

FOR SALE OR TRADE: JD 450B bulldozer for backhoe. 315-705-8831

FOR SALE: Oak glass top coffee table w/drawers, ex. cond., $100 obo. 518-497-6236

FOR SALE: Complete twin bed w/maple head & foot board, $65, ex. cond. 518-497-3080

FOR SALE: Huge pile of topsoil. 315-296-5476

FOR SALE: 7x16’ flat bed trailer, $4000. Kenmore wall mount microwave, $100. 518-481-4031

FOR SALE: Some Levi jeans, 35x34, like new, $10/pr. Dale Earnhardt clock in box, limited ed., in box., $35 obo like new. (2) Dyson vacuums, $25 ea. 518-860-5537

FOR SALE: Allis Chalmers tractor wide front end, AC, loader, snow bucket, no rust, new rims, front & rear ring chains, kept inside. 518-483-2493

NOTICE: 518-319-2252 is not a free ad, providing a fee for service. You would have to purchase a $5 Bold Print Ad. 518-483-4524

FOR SALE: 10x12 heavy duty canvas, $25. 15x10 HD canvas, $20. 518-483-0690

WANTED: Stand up shower unit. 315-600-7728

FOR SALE: Lg. fish tank w/all kinds of fish, ornaments, all set w/stand, 50 gal. $350 obo. 518-319-0165

FOR SALE: Automatic hot water heater, $200. 315-842-1135

WANTED: Places to trap beaver. 518-529-7558

FREE: (4) 4 mo. old roosters. 518-529-4080

FOR SALE: (2) ATVs, guns, fly & fishing rods, tackle, sporting goods, some power tools. 518-483-6297

FOR SALE: Hayward pool pump, filter, solar cover, ladder, $100. New 5 gal. pail of Behr stain, $225. 518-319-7016

FOR SALE: Pellet stove, $500. Flat top elec. stove, $150. Fridge, $100. 518-358-0067

FOR SALE: 30hp Massey Ferguson tractor, new rubber, starter, 12V, 12’ finish mower, back blade. Apt. sz. washer/dryer. 518-529-0156

FOR SALE: SUNY Plattsburgh yearbooks, ‘35, ‘36, ‘53, ‘62, ‘63, ‘65, ‘66, ‘70. Clinton Community, ‘78. Champlain College ‘48. $5 ea. 518-529-3249

FREE TO GOOD HOME: Male polydactyl kitten. Pics on Joann Tacey’s FB page. 518-353-0415

WANTED: Canning jars, any size, w/reg. or twist on lids. 518-813-3008

FOR SALE: 1954 Ford 800 tractor, snow & dirt buckets, 12V ignition system, $1800. 518-569-4067

FOR SALE: White 14’ disc harrow, ex. cond., hydr. cylinder. 518-497-6246

FOR SALE: 6’ alum. sofa, brown, like new. 4 sets INT 2pc. rear wheel truck weights. 518-521-0786

FOR SALE: Rolls of wheaties, ‘10-’50. 518-483-2625

FOR SALE: Heifer. 518-481-0220


Ads selling puppies or many animals that you are raising or breeding for sale are not free (this includes birds, cows, ducks, chickens, firewood, piglets, fish, etc. - includes eggs), you must purchase a Bold Classified Ad. $5 for 20 words, then $0.20 for each word over 20. Selling 1 or a small amount of animals is ok as a Free Ad. Visit or call 888-628-1492, press 2

FOR SALE: Black Angus heifer, approx. 400lbs., $700 obo. 315-742-7537

FOR SALE: 2003 Bombardier 4 wheeler Rototec 500, runs great, new battery, serviced, $1500 firm. 518-521-3296

FREE TO GOOD HOME: Kittens. Litter trained, eating on own. 518-319-0029

FOR SALE: Used tractor tires: (2) 13.6 24 & (2) 12.4 24. Hay. 518-497-6498

FOR SALE: Samsung washer & dryer, matched set, used approx. 6 mo., ex. cond., $500 obo. 518-358-9248 lv. msg.

FREE TO GOOD HOME: (4) rabbits. 518-806-8493

FOR SALE: 10” Delta chopsaw w/bench, $100. Grinder w/bench, 1/2-3/4hp, $100. 518-483-7561 or 518-353-3638

WORK WANTED: Odd jobs. Many skills. 518-521-0735

WORK WANTED: In Malone, personal care skills. WANTED: Dog 40lbs. or under, gd. w/kids, pref. w/shots. Call/text 518-521-9701

FOR SALE: Regency C 34 classic heating system/gas fireplace w/remote, ex. cond., all hookups inc. $1500 obo. 518-481-5209

WANTED: A ride from the North Country to Florida in January. Will share gas/toll expenses. 315-208-4041

LAWN SALE: Sept. 14 9-3, Sept. 15, 9-12, 36 Ketchum St., Malone. 42” Vizio TV, toy bin, kids’ desk chair, food processor, Betty Boop items, girls’ clothes & toys, misc.

GARAGE SALE: 160 Shears Rd., Malone. Fireplace, bedding, lights, table, dressers, chairs, tinware, jackets, sweaters, chest, display stand, bowling ball. Thu. & Fri. 9-3, Sat. & Sun. afternoon.

GARAGE SALE: 248 Andrew St., Wed-Sat 10-4. Baby ride on toys, toddler’s bike, bikes, toys, clothes, jewelry, games, movies, etc.

YARD SALE: Fri-Sun, weather permitting, 10-4. 16 Second St., apt. 1, Malone.

GARAGE SALE: 106 Quain Rd., Brushton. White linen table cloth, Kabella hunting boots 10EE, like new. Baby, teen boys’. 130 Playboy books. Thu-Fri.

GARAGE SALE: Sat & Sun. 155 Shears Rd., Malone.

SALE: Sept. 14, 6 Elgin Ave., Massena. Best offers.

YARD SALE: Multi-family, 21 Perham Rd., Malone. Fri & Sat 8-5. Automatic cat litter box, baby clothing & items, women’s clothing, household decor, dressers, & more.

INSIDE SALE: 215 Elm St., bldg. 13, Malone. Sat 9-4, Sun 9-12.

FREE: Left over garage sale items. 518-534-4977

YARD SALE: 2 Short Ave., Thu-Sat 9-5, weather permitting. DVDs, games, Xbox 360/One, clothes, tools, dishes.

GARAGE SALE: Sat & Sun, 1-5, 27 Penny Lane, Malone. Xmas, sm. appliances, more.

GARAGE SALE: Sept. 13-15, 851 CR 29, Canton, near Pierrepont Town Barn.

GARAGE SALE: 53 Ragged Lake Rd., Owls Head. Sat 10-4, Sun 10-2, toys, Legos, wrestlers, Match Box cars, Barbie dolls, pressure canner, Bunn coffee maker, toaster oven, Tupperware, household, pots, dishes, clothes $1. CDs & DVDs.

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